
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

How to Appeal a Denied Social Security Disability Claim in Michigan

Only about one-third of Social Security (SS) disability claims get approved at the initial stage. If you get denied, take heart—you can still appeal. You have options that let you continue to seek the benefits that can be the lifeline that helps you meet your monthly financial obligations.

Should I appeal or apply again?

If your SS disability claim is denied, you can choose to either reapply or appeal. Reapplying your Michigan Social Security disability claim requires the filing of a new application, which means you need to obtain the necessary documentations all over again. If you choose to appeal you claim, you won’t need to repeat the whole application process. However, you will need to update any outdated document, such as your list of current medications, medical consultations, and financial standing. You must also submit any documents missing from the initial filing. Read more on this article. http://bit.ly/2gK9JZN

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Social Security Disability Attorneys Discuss Facts and Things to Consider When Filing for Disability

Filing for disability can be an overwhelming experience. In recent years, the Social Security Administration has tightened their regulations and limited their approvals. What does that mean for you as an individual with a disability? It means that it can and will take longer to get your SSDI checks; the process can drag on. It is vital to have an attorney helping out with the paperwork and the overall procedure.

Cases, when handled by experienced social security disability attorneys, seem to settle quicker and with less hassle. In fact, your case is 50% more likely to have a favorable outcome with an attorney than filing alone. Here are some other facts you may not know. Read more on this blog: http://bit.ly/2vLSMn4

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hiring an Attorney to Help You Get Approved for Social Security Disability in Michigan

Remaining financially stable during a time of need due to a disability can quickly become stressful and overwhelming. With the mental, emotional, and physical toll that disability can often trigger, seeking out social security disability benefits is often the only option left available for those who are in need. Getting approved for social security disability in Michigan is not always simple, but can be less stressful with an attorney by your side.

Stating the Process of Filing for Social Security Disability

While it is possible to file for social security disability on your own and without the help of a lawyer, it can quickly become overwhelming and confusing for those who are unfamiliar with the legal system. Applying for social security disability in the state of Michigan often requires you to visit a specific office to make your case and begin filling out the proper forms necessary. Ensuring you file all documents completely and in a timely manner is imperative to avoid rejection, although many individuals experience getting rejected the first time they apply for financial assistance through the state depending on their needs and medical proof. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2gJsexl

Friday, May 12, 2017

Several Reasons Social Security Disability Claims Get Denied the First Time

When people get injured or have a severe medical or mental condition and they contemplate applying for social security disability, they generally think about reasons why they deserve such benefits. However, you may be better served thinking about why you might get declined in the interest of saving time and energy.
Disability Is Not Severe Enough
Even though you may be injured and unable to go back to work, the injury may not be long-term. You may, for example, have fractured a bone that will probably heal within the year. To qualify for SSDI benefits, the injury must be severe enough to last at least 12 months. If in fact, your bone injury lasts more than six months, then you might have a better chance. Social Security evaluates injuries on a case by case basis. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2qyLvZY